Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spread the Word Contest

The winner of this contest is the person who can spread the word the farthest about Crunchy Clean and the line of products we have. 


Here's the deal -- between now and April 22 (Earth Day 2010), we're going to use whatever means necessary to tell others about Crunchy Clean.  

Word of mouth is the best advertising, so we want to reward you for telling ... whoever you want!  

The point is to get the most points possible - whoever acquires the most at the end of the game get:
1st place: a $50 gift certificate to Crunchy
2nd place: a $25 gift certificate to
3rd place: a Crunchy Clean Starter Kit (80 load soap in your choice of everyday or cloth diaper)
4th place: $10 gift certificate to
The activities have different values in our game:
  • Tweet about the Spread the Word game or Crunchy Clean- (one entry a day) is worth 1 point - tag the #clothdiapers and @CrunchyClean  :) 
  • Follow @CrunchyClean on twitter - 2 points
  • Become a fan of Crunchy Clean on Facebook- 2 points
  • Visit one of our retailers sites and show them some love. -  1 point
  • Blog about Crunchy Clean- 5 points
  • Leave a review for CC on the Diaperpin 5 points
  • Put a Crunchy Clean graphic in the sidebar your blog (find it here at the bottom of the pg )- 10 points
  • Share the Crunchy Clean link or write a note about CC on Facebook or your Fan Page- 2 points
  • Get a friend to buy some Crunchy Clean- 2 points for samples, 10 points for full size bags
  • Buy some CC yourself (or for a friend)- 2 points for samples, 10 points for a full size bag
  • Make a video for youtube or other similar video sharing site about how you wash your cloth diapers -- be sure to mention Crunchy Clean!!!  20 points
  • Contact your favorite cloth diaper website or store, or your favorite children's store!  Ask them to carry Crunchy Clean!  When they place their first order, you get 50 points!
  • Start a post about Crunchy Clean (either type - CD or Everyday) on a forum or message board- 5 points
  • Any other ideas?  Email me and we'll award points accordingly!

You are allowed to combine things daily -- for instance, tweet and create a post on a forum and you'll get 6 points for that day!

Please leave a comment for each entry in the contest that you do.  Keep a running total as you post.
For example:
April 1: Tweeted about Crunchy Clean:   1 point   TOTAL: 1 POINT
April 2: Bought a sample on the website for myself  2 points   TOTAL: 3 POINTS
April 3: Left a review on the diaper pin 5 points   TOTAL 8 POINTS


Unknown said...


CrunchyClean said...

Be sure to keep a running total of your points like this:


1 point

Vanessa @ See Vanessa Craft said...


Total Points: 1

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Blogged about Crunchy Clean
5pts = TOTAL 5pts

Facebook Fan: 2pts = TOTAL 7pts

Followed on Twitter (@trisharjackson): 2pts = TOTAL 9pts

Tweeted: 1pt = TOTAL 10pts

Fan of Banana Peels on FB: 1pt = TOTAL 11pts

Crunchy Clean Logo on Blog sidebar = 10pts = TOTAL 21pts

Vanessa @ See Vanessa Craft said...

Facebook Fan: Vanessa Rodriguez Coppola

Total Points: 5

Vanessa @ See Vanessa Craft said...

Twitter Follower: DesignsVanessa

Total Points: 3

Vanessa @ See Vanessa Craft said...

I visited Sew Crafty Baby.

Total Points: 6

Annie Valentine said...


valentinescarlet at yahoo

Annie Valentine said...

Twitter (posted earlier) 1 pt
Follow on Twitter @bamannieboo 2 pts
FB follow 2 pts
Retail love on Fluff Envy 1 pt
5 pts

Total so far= 11pts

Heather said...

tweeted: point
twitter follower-2 points
facebook fan-2 points
button on my blog: points

Total points: 15

Annie Valentine said...

Posted a comment on Diaper Pin

Total points 16!

valentinescarlet at yahoo

Susan said...

April 1: Became a fan of CC on Facebook----2pts

April 2: Left a review of CC on

Total: 7pts

Michelle Murphy said...

1 point

Michelle Murphy said...

Follow on twitter @cheapandcreativ
2 points

Tweet: 1 point

Total: 3

Michelle Murphy said...

I am a fan of Crunchy Clean on Facebook
2 points

Tweet: 1
Twitter follower: 2

Total: 5

Michelle Murphy said...

I have the Crunchy Clean graphic on the sidebar of my blog - 10 points

Tweet: 1
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Total: 15

Michelle Murphy said...

I posted a review for CC on the Diaperpin 5 points

Tweet: 1
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Total: 20

Michelle Murphy said...

I shared a link to the Facebook Fan page - 2 points!/MichelleEliseMurphy?v=feed&story_fbid=110968455589100&ref=nf

Tweet: 1
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Diaperpin review: 5
Total: 22

Michelle Murphy said...

I visited and now I'm following them on twitter - 1 point

Tweet: 1
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Diaperpin review: 5
Shared on Facebook: 2
Total: 23

Michelle Murphy said...

I blogged about Crunchy Clean - 5 points

Tweet: 1
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Diaperpin review: 5
Shared on Facebook: 2
Visited a retailer: 1
Total: 28

Anna said...

facebook fan
2 points total

C said...

Twitter- 2 pts
Facebook- 2 pts
Retailer (Fluff Envy :)- 1 pt
DiaperPin Review- 5 pts

Today's Total: 10

Ashley said...

posted a diaper pin review on April 2: 5 points

luvlieK - Kelly said...

Favebook fan - 2
twitter follower - 2
Diaperpin review - 5

Total: 9 points

Michelle Murphy said...

I just placed an order for Crunchy Clean - 10 points

Tweet: 1
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Diaperpin review: 5
Shared on Facebook: 2
Visited a retailer: 1
Blogged: 5
Total: 38

Unknown said...

Took Crunchy Clean to a local retailer to try. If you get an order from Sprout Soup, That gives me 50pts :).

Unknown said...

Shared on Facebook: 2
Friend bought Crunchy Clean (Katie Lawrence): 2
Shared on 2 discussion boards: 10pts

TOTAL: 35pts

Michelle Murphy said...

I told that I'd like them to carry CC

I hope they place an order!

Michelle Murphy said...

Daily Tweet
1 point

Tweets: 2
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Diaperpin review: 5
Shared on Facebook: 2
Visited a retailer: 1
Blogged: 5
Placed an order: 10
Total: 39

Michelle Murphy said...

I just emailed my contact at!

Annie Valentine said...

Made a YouTube Video!

20 points!

Total points 36

valentinescarlet at yahoo dot com

Michelle Murphy said...


Tweets: 3
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Diaperpin review: 5
Shared on Facebook: 2
Visited a retailer: 1
Blogged: 5
Placed an order: 10
Total: 40

Heather said...

tweeted: point
Visited Banana Peels-1 point
Visisted Diaperlicious-1 point
Linked to contest on Facebook-2 points

Cumulative: 20 points

Michelle Murphy said...


Tweets: 4
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Diaperpin review: 5
Shared on Facebook: 2
Visited a retailer: 1
Blogged: 5
Placed an order: 10
Total: 41

Michelle Murphy said...


Tweets: 5
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Diaperpin review: 5
Shared on Facebook: 2
Visited a retailer: 1
Blogged: 5
Placed an order: 10
Total: 42

Crunchy Clean said...

Going to pick a random winner tomorrow morning for a special prize :) Keep on, you guys are doing great ... loving the friendly competition;)

Heather said...

tweeted: point
Visited Fluff Envy-1 point
Visited Juicy Baby-1 point
Visited Diaper Fluff-1 point
Diaper Pin review (hmt90a)-5 points

Cumulative Total: 29

Heather said...

I just emailed Mom's Milk Boutique.

Michelle Murphy said...


Tweets: 6
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Diaperpin review: 5
Shared on Facebook: 2
Visited a retailer: 1
Blogged: 5
Placed an order: 10
Total: 43

Stacie T. said...

Crunchy Clean FB Fan: 2 points
Banana Peels FB Fan: 1 point
TOTAL: 3 points

Unknown said...


1 pt.

Total: 2 pt

Heather said...

tweeted: point
Visited Diaper My Baby, Sweet Baby Bottoms, Sew Crafty Baby, Giggling Green Bean-1 point each, 4 points total

Cum. Total: 34

Crunchy Clean said...

OKAY, our first completely random winner is Annie Valentine! You won't a $5 off an order of over $15 at! :)

While we're at it, lets highlight her great video on washing her cloth diapers:

(Winner was picked by printing out the entries, cutting them out, and letting my toddler pick one!)

Next random winner: next week -- so keep adding your entries!

Heather said...

tweeted: point

Cum. Total: 35 points

Michelle Murphy said...


Tweets: 7
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Diaperpin review: 5
Shared on Facebook: 2
Visited a retailer: 1
Blogged: 5
Placed an order: 10
Total: 44

Michelle Murphy said...


Tweets: 8
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Diaperpin review: 5
Shared on Facebook: 2
Visited a retailer: 1
Blogged: 5
Placed an order: 10
Total: 45

Michelle Murphy said...


Tweets: 9
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Diaperpin review: 5
Shared on Facebook: 2
Visited a retailer: 1
Blogged: 5
Placed an order: 10
Total: 46

Heather said...

tweeted: point
Visited Chiquita Baby-1 point
Visited Bush Babies Baby Boutique-1 point

Cum. Total: 38 points

Michelle Murphy said...


Tweets: 10
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Diaperpin review: 5
Shared on Facebook: 2
Visited a retailer: 1
Blogged: 5
Placed an order: 10
Total: 47

Heather said...

tweeted: point

Cum. Total: 39 points

Michelle Murphy said...


Tweets: 11
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Diaperpin review: 5
Shared on Facebook: 2
Visited a retailer: 1
Blogged: 5
Placed an order: 10
Total: 48

Affordable Tarot said...

Recommended CC to for the monster cloth diaper store :)

Kim said...

following on twitter- 2 pts

Kim said...

facebook fan- 2pts
total: 4 pts

Kim said...

bought some CC samples today!- 2 pts
total: 6 pts

Kim said...

following Sew Crafty Baby on FB- 1pt

total: 7 pts

Heather said...

tweeted: point

Cum. Total: 40 points

Michelle Murphy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michelle Murphy said...

I visited Juicy Baby Designs and became a Facebook Fan - 1 point

Tweets: 11
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Diaperpin review: 5
Shared on Facebook: 2
Visited a retailer: 2
Blogged: 5
Placed an order: 10
Total: 49

Michelle Murphy said...

I visited Cotton Tails/Fluff Envy and became a Facebook Fan - 1 point

Tweets: 11
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Diaperpin review: 5
Shared on Facebook: 2
Visited a retailer: 3
Blogged: 5
Placed an order: 10
Total: 50

Michelle Murphy said...

I visited DiaperLicious and became a Facebook Fan - 1 point

Tweets: 11
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Diaperpin review: 5
Shared on Facebook: 2
Visited a retailer: 4
Blogged: 5
Placed an order: 10
Total: 51

Michelle Murphy said...


Tweets: 12
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Diaperpin review: 5
Shared on Facebook: 2
Visited a retailer: 4
Blogged: 5
Placed an order: 10
Total: 52

Heather said...

tweeted: point

total points: 41

Michelle Murphy said...


Tweets: 13
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Diaperpin review: 5
Shared on Facebook: 2
Visited a retailer: 4
Blogged: 5
Placed an order: 10
Total: 53

Heather said...

tweeted: point

total: 42 points

Heather said...

tweeted: point

total: 43 points

Michelle Murphy said...


Tweets: 14
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Diaperpin review: 5
Shared on Facebook: 2
Visited a retailer: 4
Blogged: 5
Placed an order: 10
Total: 54

Kim said...

placed an order for full size bags:)- 10 pts

TOTAL - 17 pts

Michelle Murphy said...


Tweets: 15
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Diaperpin review: 5
Shared on Facebook: 2
Visited a retailer: 4
Blogged: 5
Placed an order: 10
Total: 55

Michelle Murphy said...


Tweets: 16
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Diaperpin review: 5
Shared on Facebook: 2
Visited a retailer: 4
Blogged: 5
Placed an order: 10
Total: 56

Heather said...

tweeted: point

total: 44 points

Unknown said...

twitter follower

Michelle Murphy said...


Tweets: 17
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Diaperpin review: 5
Shared on Facebook: 2
Visited a retailer: 4
Blogged: 5
Placed an order: 10
Total: 57

Heather said...

tweeted: point

total 45 points

Michelle Murphy said...


Tweets: 18
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Diaperpin review: 5
Shared on Facebook: 2
Visited a retailer: 4
Blogged: 5
Placed an order: 10
Total: 58

Heather said...

tweeted: point

total: 46 points

Crunchy Clean said...

Contest ends tomorrow! :) Get your entries in, and dig out any last minute winning points if possible -- a video is a great easy idea :)

Happy Earth Day tomorrow!

Michelle Murphy said...


Tweets: 19
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Diaperpin review: 5
Shared on Facebook: 2
Visited a retailer: 4
Blogged: 5
Placed an order: 10
Total: 59

Heather said...

tweeted: point

total: 47

Michelle Murphy said...


Tweets: 20
Twitter follower: 2
Facebook Fan: 2
Crunchy Clean Graphic: 10
Diaperpin review: 5
Shared on Facebook: 2
Visited a retailer: 4
Blogged: 5
Placed an order: 10
Total: 60